Succulents 2021 Watercolor Calendar

Two 2021 Calendars: Cactus AND Succulents

I've created two 2021 calendars. Each offers a year's worth of wall art. Here you'll find a bit of backstory, plus all 24 images and plant IDs. Get 20% off through March 31 with discount code CS20THANKYOU.

The great thing about calendars is they...

  • Make thoughtful, informal holiday gifts
  • Can arrive well into January
  • Say "you're special" to colleagues, hosts, family, friends and neighbors
  • Don't cause recipients to feel obligated
  • Are useful and appreciated all year long.


I try to do a succulent watercolor calendar every year. People tell me they collect them and even frame favorite paintings (the reproduction quality is that good).

Watercolor expresses the plants' beauty in fresh and engaging ways. Like photography, watercolor is all about light (it comes from the white of the paper). It's as much about what you don't paint as what you do. And because deadlines help me get things done, a calendar means I'll do at least 12 paintings a year.

Cactus Calendar cover

Cactus Calendar cover

New for 2021: Cactus Photo Calendar

I have numerous photos that show how astonishingly beautiful cactus can be, so this year, for the first time, I created a Cactus Photo Calendar. It's getting so much notice, I'm wondering if I should simply do photo calendars from now on. But then, I might never pick up a brush!

Not to mention painting is a glorious excuse to spend hours listening to great speakers. (Ted Talks, of course, and I've become a fan of a New York pastor who's known as a modern-day C.S. Lewis: Tim Keller.)

Have you found unexpected benefits to staying home? Started a hobby? Have book or podcast recommendations? Share in the comments!

The price for a standard 8-1/2 x 11, 12-month calendar is $22.15. They're sold through Zazzle, an online fulfillment company that gives artists 10% of the sales price as "royalty." It sounds paltry, but all we have to do is plug images into a template and post the item for sale. Zazzle's daily discounts may range from 10% to 60% (look for the code and enter it at time of purchase). There's no predicting Zazzle discounts, but they tend to have great deals on Black Friday. To that add sales tax and shipping, which depend on where you live or are having the item sent. 

Links on this page are affiliate. Thanks for your support! ~ Debra

2021 Calendar Images

Lophophora williamsii (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

The Easy Way to Paint Watercolors

Is there really an easy way to paint watercolors? Yes, if you go straight to painting and don’t spend time drawing the image first. I learned this cool

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2020 Succulent Calendar

My Succulents 2020 Calendar

Every year I create a calendar so I have to do a dozen watercolors. Painting is a cherished hobby, but—maybe you can relate?—I need a deadline to do it. In August, I hadn’t picked up a brush for nearly a year and had lots to relearn.

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  1. Sue Ann Pittman on October 20, 2020 at 3:52 pm

    Hands down…I preferred photos over watercolors. Thank you for giving us options 🙂

    • Debra Lee Baldwin on October 20, 2020 at 5:28 pm

      You’re welcome! Thanks for giving your honest opinion.

  2. Kat on October 20, 2020 at 5:06 pm

    2 Beautiful options!
    So well done!

    • Debra Lee Baldwin on October 20, 2020 at 5:27 pm

      Thank you, dear Kat!

  3. Cheryl Callanan on October 20, 2020 at 5:47 pm

    Even though my passion is photography, I love your watercolors.

    • Debra Lee Baldwin on October 20, 2020 at 6:01 pm

      Ooooh! Thank you!!

  4. Christine Kehoe on October 27, 2020 at 5:31 pm

    Your water colors are beautiful! As are your photos and I love your books!!! You are a triple threat!!!

    • Debra Lee Baldwin on October 27, 2020 at 5:34 pm

      LOL! Thank you, Christine! I’ll try to live up to it!

  5. I received the information on Laura Balaoro’s FB page, and will be getting two of your calendars for gifts … One of each … Absolutely beautiful! on November 15, 2020 at 4:43 pm

    I received the information on Laura Balaoro’s website and will be getting two of your calendars… One of each… Absolutely beautiful!

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