Photography is a significant way I show the aesthetic uses of succulents in gardens, pots and landscapes.
Discover how I use photos of succulents to create my popular watercolor calendars: The Easy Way to Paint Watercolors.
Also on my site are photo galleries that illustrate dozens of species and cultivars of genera that include Aeonium, Agave, Aloe and Crassula. You're welcome to any of my photos for personal non-commercial use providing you give me credit and, if possible, a link to
Types of Succulents from Aeonium to Zebra Plant, Photos & IDs
Debra’s Dozen Easy-Grow Succulent Plants for Beginners
Trying to make sense out of succulents? There are numerous varieties, but these are the most common succulents and those you’ll likely run across. Enjoy growing and discovering these fascinating “plants that drink responsibly!”
Stunning Succulent Arrangements Class
Stunning Succulent Arrangements An Online Class by Succulent Expert Debra Lee Baldwin My succulent design class, Stunning Succulent Arrangements, brings you the highest quality online learning at an extremely reasonable price. I’m proud that its success has been outstanding in the US and beyond. My partner in this endeavor, Craftsy (aka Bluprint) spent upwards of $15,000 to…