Bizarre Succulents

Pseudolithos migiurtinus (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

To me, a bizarre succulent is one that suggests something it’s not in an eerie way—i.e. a cancerous growth, reptile or body part. When I take a second look and ponder what on earth it is, I experience a deliciously unsettling ah-ha (or bwa-ha-ha) moment.

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Nancy Englund’s Succulent Mermaid’s Garden

A succulent mermaid's garden

Having a theme for part or all of your garden is certain to spark your creativity. Nancy Englund’s succulent mermaid’s garden “has made going to nurseries more fun,” she says, “because I’m not attracted to every plant. I can narrow it down…you know, to just the weirder ones.” Admittedly “a big fan of weirdo plants,”…

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