Find or Become a Succulent Personal Shopper
A succulent personal shopper shows clients what's new, interesting, seasonal and in limited supply. As you direct her from your device, your shopper fills a tray with your selections. She then purchases, packs and ships them, or arranges delivery if you're in the area.
At present, I'm aware of two succulent personal shoppers. It's likely there will be more...maybe you yourself?

Jessica Cain of In Succulent Love, at Oasis Water Efficient Gardens
Why Succulent Personal Shoppers?
This innovative service solves a dilemma for customers and growers alike. Succulent personal shoppers show eager buyers what's available, and nurseries needn't say "no" to distant (sometimes insistent) collectors.
Due to high demand, succulent specialty nurseries are scrambling to keep up. Many don't have the staff or resources to package and ship plants, respond to customer inquiries, or keep online inventories up to date.
Who's doing it?
Succulent-savvy entrepreneurs Jessica Cain of In Succulent Love and Tari Colbry of the Little Succulent Shop are bridging the supply-demand gap. And they're super busy.
I ran into Tari at Oasis recently, and on the spur of the moment did a short video of her assisting a client in Texas. In the video at 1:38, Tari explains how it all works and what she charges.
A Client's Perspective
Succulent enthusiast Jeanne Meadow uses Tari's service occasionally, and also recommends her online sales. "They're really something to watch," Jeanne says. "Thousands of people tune in. Tari shows a plant and gives it a number, and the first person to type that number gets it."
When Jeanne stopped by Tari's house the other day, she was amazed. "Seventy-six orders in big boxes!"

Tari Colbry of the Little Succulent Shop. From the video.
Personal shoppers may be a luxury, but they do make it possible to cherry-pick desirable rarities. Moreover, if you're looking for a certain succulent, it's a good bet Tari or Jessica knows if and where it's available.
Want to be a succulent personal shopper?
In addition to business and multitasking skills, you'll need:
- Excellent knowledge of succulents
- A resourceful, can-do attitude
- Lots of time and energy
- Space for processing orders and storing plants
- An online presence and followers
- Organizational and marketing know-how
- Ability to safely package and ship fragile plants.
Your Turn
Do you know of others who provide this service? Or ways collectors might obtain plants from specialty nurseries that don't ship? Share your thoughts in the Comments!
Related Info on this site
Where do YOU shop for succulents?
Find out what to do if the succulents you want aren’t available near you. See others’ favorite succulent sources, mail-order and walk-in, and share yours in the comments below. Please tell us your city or region, what you’ve purchased, and anything else that might be helpful.
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Thank you so much Debra for the feature! I had no idea it was just Teri & I offering this wonderful service! I absolutely adore getting to plant shop all day every day & spread the love of succulents all across the country! Thanks for being an amazing inspiration for all things succulent, Debra! <3
Hi Jess — It’s a wonderful service and you both work really hard. Applause for finding a need and filling it!
I live in St Louis, MO. Really got into succulents about 3 yrs ago. Am now succulent addict. My main supplier is Andrew King. He owns a small operation out of a church. Once a month he has a public sale. You can visit his place by appointment for private shopping. He has taught me so much.
Hi Pat! Thanks for letting us know. I think your comment belongs on another page, Where Do You Shop for Succulents? But I don’t know how to transfer it there. I think you’d need to do it by going there and leaving the comment again, then I’ll delete it from here. In any case, thank you!