Contrast Colorful Succulents with Colorful Pots
An important, easy secret for effective plant-pot pairings is to contrast colorful succulents with contrasting, colorful pots. Like glazed pots, succulents come in all colors, including blue. There also are white, silver and pastel succulents, and a red so dark it looks black (Aeonium 'Zwartkop').
In my new YouTube video, "Contrast Colorful Succulents with Colorful Pots" (2:55), I show numerous pairings with an emphasis on using complimentary colors. Find the names of succulents shown in the video and the designers who did the pairings in the captions below. Check back---I'll add more as I run across them. Enjoy!
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Hi Debra,
I have your books, but can find nothing about when and how to cut the 10′ bloom spike on my Dasylirion longissimum. I did find information on the Agave franzosinii, but my spike is strong and I will need to use a saw to trim it down.