What’s Surprising about Jeanne Meadow, America’s Succulent Sweetheart
You've probably noticed that Jeanne Meadow, "America's Succulent Sweetheart," is magic on camera. She delights in sharing her garden and showing succulents in creative plant-pot pairings. My YouTube channel's 12 "Jeanne" videos have had 134,400 views; short ones on Instagram, around 66,000 (#jeannemeadowsgarden). Her love of out-of-the-ordinary plants and one-of-a-kind art pots shines in a new video: Jeanne Meadow's Treasures from the 2019 Succulent Show (7:00).
On-screen, Jeanne is a cheerful, carefree, spare-no-expense succulent collector and design expert. But her situation reminds me of what Glen Bell, founder of Taco Bell, told me when we were working on his biography back in the '90s: "Everyone envies me but no one would trade places with me." Glen, who became a multimillionaire after selling Taco Bell to PepsiCo, suffered from Parkinson's.

Jeanne Meadow's garden, as shown in Designing with Succulents (2nd ed).
In 2010 at age 50, Jeanne retired when she sold her interest in the medical research company she helped develop. She and husband Barry bought and remodeled a large home on 2-1/2 acres in Fallbrook, CA. She dove into gardening, waterwise plants and succulents, and hired Steve McDearmon of Garden Rhythms to design the landscape. In 2013, I wrote about it for Country Gardens, a Better Homes & Gardens' publication. In 2017, Timber Press chose Jeanne's to be one of five noteworthy gardens featured in my book, Designing with Succulents (2nd ed.).

Jeanne Meadow's garden.
Jeanne is lovely, kind, caring, generous, insightful and down-to-earth. Spending time with her in her world-class garden is one of my favorite things to do. But would I trade places with her? Several years ago, Jeanne was diagnosed with a bone disorder characterized by calcium depletion. (She wryly calls herself "the brittle-bone babe.") It severely limits what she can do, and she's often in pain. She has the best medical care, researches every possible treatment, eats right, and keeps her muscles strong. But were she to bend over or be hugged too hard, her spine could shatter.

Jeanne Meadow holds a pot by Mark Muradian
Jeanne's upbeat, can-do attitude is inspiring, and she continually finds ways to help others. For example, she gave me the OK to share this. I hope it helps you see what's right in your own life, encourages you to overcome challenges, and enhances your appreciation for the smart, funny lady you see on YouTube. And here's something else you may not know: Before her corporate career, Jeanne was a stand-up comedian. In fact, that's how she met Barry...but that's another story.
See her latest art pots and new-and-unusual succulents in Jeanne Meadow's Treasures from the 2019 Succulent Show (7:00).

Did Jeanne beat arch-nemesis Wanda Mallen to the best art pots at the Show? Find out in the new video!
Also on My YouTube Channel enjoy "Jeanne Meadow's Succulents" (video playlist).
In my book, Designing with Succulents (2nd ed), pp. 162-165, learn more about Jeanne and her wonderful succulent garden.
New Videos, Great Takeaways from Jeanne Meadow’s Garden
Above: Wavy-leaved ‘Cornelius’ is Jeanne’s favorite agave. “It doesn’t get too big, can handle full sun and cold, and always looks good,” she says. I’m pleased to announce the release on my YouTube channel of two fun new videos: Jeanne Meadow’s Succulent Garden, Tips and Tour, Part One and Part Two. Topics covered in Part One: 0:38 Agave geminiflora bloom…
Plants and Pots at the Cactus & Succulent Show
Above: I take you behind the scenes at a C&SS show. The excitement is palpable! To see amazing succulents in elegant art pots, attend a Cactus & Succulent Society Show. The largest in the US is the annual Inter-City Show at the Los Angeles Arboretum mid-August. Judges award ribbons and trophies based on how well a…
Oh how I miss San Diego and my succulent gardens
We moved to palm Desert from Valley Center 2 years ago
I brought an example of every variety to our new home and last summer most of them melted from the extreme heat
I love succulents
Jeanne Meadows’ magnificent garden is a creation of someone who truly loves her work and, in my opinion, it helps her overcome her physical pain to a great degree. I greatly appreciate your sharing her stories as it not only provides inspiration but also awesome succulent garden design ideas which I have incorporated in my two-year old garden. Of course, your book, videos, and newsletters are great continuing resource to me – couldn’t thank you enough for it!
Hi George — Thank you! You’re welcome. I’d add that all creative pursuits (gardening, music, writing, painting) help with pain—physical and emotional — because such endeavors are all-consuming. Add the opportunity to make a positive difference in others’ lives, and the pursuit becomes even more rewarding and fulfilling, not to mention providing a compelling reason to continue.
Thank you for the kind words. I’m speechless! Wait I’m never quiet! Debra did a great job describing my daily struggles and love for nature in a way a true friend would!
Hey Jeanne…. my name is Mike Baird and dug the last posting that Debra Baldwin did on your pottery choices. I have a several of Susan Aachs pots one of which you have. The one that looks like a tree truck she did one that was twisted and I had have it. I put a propeller plant in it. Anyway great article thank you and Debra,
Jeanne and Debra, you are such an inspiration to me. Your happy optimistic view of life is what we all need and we are lucky enough to get it from you both! You keep us smiling and well informed.
Judith, a succulent lover in Northern California.
Hi Judith! Thank you for putting me in the same category of inspiration and optimism as Jeanne. I aspire to be more like her!
Thank you so much!
Debra, thanks for sharing Jeanne’s story and garden with all your fans. Jeanne is an inspirational Shero to all of us living with chronic pain and building a life of passion and creativity. May God bless her with years of joy and relief from pain.
Grateful for your videos and generosity
Celest Powell
Hi Celest — Thanks for the lovely comment. Yes, it’s miracle time. I’m praying that medical advances will do the trick. Not an unreasonable request!
Celeste, thank you for your positive comments. Every little bit helps when dealing with serious health issues!
I’ve had the good fortune to know Jeanne for more than six years, and you’re so right that both she and her garden are inspiring. Not only has she created a beautiful and exuberant showcase for succulents, she has filled it with the joy she feels for this plant category, and there are surprises and plant groupings in great abundance to delight the eye and set your imagination free. Succulents in bird cages – lots of bird cages. Succulents in huge planters – many, many planters. Succulents towering above and hugging the ground, standing alone and clustered in bustling, thriving groups. Every time I visit there are new plants and new arrangements of plants, and Jeanne’s enthusiasm is contagious. That she has managed to create all this beauty despite struggling with a painful, debilitating and serious medical condition is a testament to her indomitable will, and the positivity she retains in the face of her challenges. That she is willing to share her story with us is another reason to treasure her as not only a tremendously creative person but also as a compassionate one who leads by example and who works to make the world a better place. I hope Jeanne can continue with her succulent wonderland for decades to come.
Hi Susi — What a lovely testimony to the power of gardening and the joy it brings! I love the phrase “succulents…clustered in bustling, thriving groups.” I love this phrase too: “treasure her as not only a tremendously creative person but also as a compassionate one who leads by example…” So true. Beautifully said.
Thank you for your kind words! With tears in my eyes your words make me even stronger to stay positive in a time of pain and uncertainty.
The plants play a big role in keeping me going as do all the wonderful people in the succulent world like you and Debra!
Gentle hugs
Thank Debra for sharing this amazing story. It seems like just yesterday you took me to see her beautiful garden and meet her. From our first “hello” I just knew she was special and she treated me as if we’ve known each other for years. It breaks my heart to know that she is in so much pain. I tell my friends and family that if I could have 1 super power it would be to take away peoples pain and she would be the first one I run or fly to (wait I only get 1 super power)! Jeanne if you are reading this, know that you are an inspiration and keep going girl!
Thank you, Amy dear. You are the best fitness coach a person could have, and your caring shines through your comment. Plus you have a gorgeous succulent garden by the same talented designer (Steve McDearmon). Clearly you and Jeanne are kindred spirits. P.S. I think I know what to get you for your birthday: a cape!
Thank you for your loving comment. I truly think the plants make everyone relaxed and happy when they are here. My garden is part of my therapy!
Come back anytime!
Gentle hugs!
Debra’s 1st succulent book inspired me to plant and plant, I thought I had the most beautiful garden in the world with a hillside covered in rows of color. Then I had the privilege of visiting Jeanne Meadow’s garden. With jaws gaping open I wandered the trails finding pure heavenly succulent nirvana. I was so impressed and intimidated, I don’t think I said a word the first time I met Jeanne. Then she smiled and shared and welcomed and even found things to compliment about my now humbled garden (very humbled I might add). Also, when she found out I was working on a medical device she showered me with offerings of inspiration and advice and encouragement. It is just not fair that Jeanne should be in pain. We are all so lucky and blessed to have her in our community.
Hi Camille! You’re far too modest, but it was fun showing you Jeanne’s garden. I knew you’d love it…and her. Thanks for a lovely comment!
Your garden is extraordinary and your medical research is both exciting and aligned with what I did for a career.
You are an amazing person and you live so close!? Let’s get together?
Thank you for sharing Jeanne’s story with us. She exemplifies the best in a person; not giving in to a potentially dangerous condition, but doing her best to live life to its fullest and still enjoy the things that make her happy. Jeanne’s garden is beautifully landscaped and continually evolving, which is the beauty and fun of working with succulents.
Thanks Linda…high praise indeed, coming from a brilliant succulent landscape designer such as yourself!
Thank you Linda!
You are right! It’s all about living each day to its fullest and plant people in your life can really make a difference!
Gentle hugs
What a delight to read Debra’s story and watch yet another informative video of America’s Succulent Sweetheart, Jeanne Meadows. I remember my first visit to Jeanne and Barry’s property, thinking how I would like to be a garden fairy and live in the beautiful “garden shed” where she stores her top dressings for the pots. I would live happily ever after…. As so eloquently mentioned above, and in Debra’s writing, Jeanne is an inspiration not only with her innate artistic talent to pair pots and plants, in dynamic and creative ways, yet also to be truly nurtured by Mother Earth. Jeanne and her plants thrive in a symbiotic relationship. There is much to be gleaned from Jeanne’s talents to enhance the right plant, with the right pot and put it in the right place. Yet, the true essence of my admiration lies in her determination to keep moving, despite some prickly days. I am in awe of America’s Succulent Sweetheart.
Hi Susan — Well said, but you didn’t note that you were the one to tell me about Jeanne and her garden in the first place. You’d been there for a Coffee in the Garden with the San Diego Hort Society, took photos, and insisted I go there. When I did, I was there for hours. Jeanne finally went indoors, ha. Thanks for being the catalyst, and a dear friend as well!
Tee hee, I was trying to be humble. I clearly remember sitting in my car calling you on my cell phone and telling you, “ you MUST come see this garden 🌱🌵🌸”.
Susan you are to blame for lighting the fire with Debra which only drove my succulent obsession over the edge! Thank you for the lovely compliments. I’m even more energized to keep pushing after reading so many inspiring comments.
Gentle hugs and hope to see you soon!
Hi Debra. Thanks for sharing Jeanne’s story. I am honored beyond measure to call Jeanne a customer, however, I consider her a dear friend more than anything. To think about the fact that she could call anybody to help her in such a fabulous setting and she calls me is a pinch me moment in and of itself. Every time I arrive to her home there is no “poor me” speech whatsoever. I ask her how she is feeling, she says some days are better than others, then she says “look around”. Once you do, you realize that the garden is pretty much her everything. She is never shy to take something that is already beautiful and make it better. The garden is in constant change, evolving with new thoughts and ideas. We bounce ideas off of each other constantly. If she doesn’t like something, she lets me know and we get it the way she wants it. Her story is quite remarkable, her husband Barry’s is pretty amazing as well. These two should write a book. Oh, wait! (Barry has written 3, maybe 4, I lost count). What a great piece on Jeanne and her garden!
Hi Steve — It’s been a treat to observe first-hand how your client-friend relationship with Jeanne has evolved, and how the two of you have collaborated on her great creative endeavor over the years. Thank you for a beautiful comment!
Oh Steve you are so sweet which why I love you! Your design process is perfectly matched with the Meadows! Thank you for your years of dedication to excellence and sorry I’m a pain in the you know what some times!!
Jeanne, I have been lucky enough to visit your garden twice, during group events when you generously opened your home to strangers and garden enthusiasts alike. On both occasions you met us and welcomed us with open arms, sharing your joy in gardening and your advice in equal measure. I believe I sent you a message of thanks afterwards, but now I want to thank you again for your generosity, your creative inspiration, your joyful enthusiasm and your sage advice.
May your garden with all its beauty and your lovely setting on the hill ((oh! those sunset moments…)) continue to nurture your soul.
Marilyn Chaffee
Hi Marilyn — You’ve summed up what’s so appealing about Jeanne’s garden. Much has to do with Jeanne herself: generosity, creative inspiration, joyful enthusiasm and sage advice.
Thank you Marilyn and Debra!
It means a lot to me!
I’m sure I enjoyed to visits as much as you did so thank you!
Air hug
Debra, thanks for sharing Jeanne’s story. I had the privilege of visiting her garden during the Succulent Extravaganza. Jeanne is generous and warm and welcoming. Her home and garden, well I don’t even know where to begin. They were also inviting and welcoming. Also visually stunning, exciting and beautiful. I felt so fortunate to spend hours. I wanted to find a little cot and move into that wonderful potting shed. Jeanne is a role model for living life to it’s fullest, not giving in to chronic pain. I wish her the very best and thank her for sharing her garden. Thanks and hugs to you for bringing it to us.
Hi Mariann — You’re not the only one who would live in Jeanne’s treasure shed. Let me tell you, though, it gets HOT in the summer, ha. Thank you for your insightful and empathetic comment. So true. Hugs to YOU!
Jeanne’s beautiful garden and artfully potted plants are inspiring, as are her enthusiasm, positive attitude and generosity. Thanks for sharing, Debra. May she have many happy and comfortable years enjoying the Paradise she has created.
Hi Alison — As a talented artist and art potter yourself, you have a fine-tuned eye for beauty. Thank you!
What an inspiring story – thank you for sharing it, Debra. Jeanne sounds like a wonderful person who’s been dealt a rough hand but is managing it with optimism and grace. Her gardens are gorgeous! All my best to you both.
Thank you, Pamela. I agree!
My gardening hat is off to both of you, Debra and Jeanne. I’m making up for lost time with succulents – have ALL 3 of your books, Debra and, Jeanne, I spent quite a lot of enjoyable time catching up with you via Youtube over the weekend. Many (many) years ago, 1959 – 1962, my family lived in Albuquerque at Sandia Base (ah the life of an Army brat) and I have vivid memories of long drives to visit my grandparents and aunts and uncles who all lived in Phoenix and Tuscon AZ. I don’t think the southwest ever leaves you once it’s cast it’s spell. I’ve enjoyed learning about you both – watching and listening to you talk about plants, how to pot them, how to create spaces in your respective gardens; my challenge here in the Finger Lakes region of New York State (can you say lilacs and peonies? It was my great good fortune to buy my grandparents house over 30 years ago and I have been the caretaker for my grandfather’s peonies for all that time) BUT: my challenge is to incorporate succulents into my outside gardens…you’ve both given me such thoughtful, creative and knowledgeable ideas….Such inspiration and just plain fun. Thank you both and I’ll just be over here waiting for some more of your adventures.
Hi Kathy — You sweet thing! Thank you! I’m pleased that our very regional videos are of interest to you. Lucky you…lilacs and peonies! (And I’m not just saying that.) Btw, my page, “50 Cold-hardy Succulents for Northern Climates” may be helpful to you, and also the article I wrote for the Wall Street Journal, “Showy Succulents for Snowy Climates.”
I visited Jeanne’s beautiful garden a few years ago, and it filled me with joy!
To my delight, I have had a couple of opportunities to tour Jeanne’s garden. The first visit was with a large group of succulent enthusiasts. I enjoy socializing and meeting new friends, but I was continually drawn to Jeanne as she enthusiastically told loving stories, laced with humor about her garden. She mesmerized me to a point that, I was sure I could be mistaken for a stalker!
A few years ago, Jeanne posted on Facebook’s Succulent Fanatic’s Group, that she was redoing an area of her garden and had some Aloes she would like to share.(Aloe Cynthia Giddy and Aloe Rooikappie.) I quickly called her and confirmed that I could take care of her babies. I admired her Agave Cornelius and went on the hunt for one. When I finally found the Agave, in my excitement, I quickly texted her a photo. She shared my excitement and reminded me to check it for Agave Snout-Nosed Weevil/Beetle. Jeanne is a wonderful, thoughtful friend and mentor.
Our gardens are our santctuaries. When I am frustrated and stressed I take refuge in my garden. Jeanne:. Keep on digging, you’ve got this!💕
Hi Paula — Isn’t it wonderful when you see plants in your garden and they remind you of who gave them to you? I’m not surprised that Jeanne mentioned agave snout weevil. She’s researched this pest more than anyone I know, and she graciously helped me with the snout weevil page on my site. Thanks for a delightful comment! Myself and others feel as you do.
I had the honor of visiting Jeanne and Barry’s garden with Debra. I was in awe. I must have looked very strange, with my eyes wide open and my jaws dropped. I don’t think I blinked for several minutes and the only words that came out of my mouth were, “Oh my God!” Every turn was beautiful and mesmerizing and very special. Each plant was meticulously cared for and in its special spot where it thrived and stood in its glory. And then emerged another beauty! I was introduced to Jeanne, who is warm, friendly and genuine. Well, the fun began when I saw Jeanne in action, enthusiastically pairing her succulents specimens with her carefully chosen pots and turning them into works of art. Her keen eye for detail and her creative touches were a joy to observe. Walking into her shed of treasures to choose the perfect top dressing was like a dream. What a day to remember!
Thank you, Debra, for sharing Jeanne’s story. Jeanne, you ARE America’s Succulent Sweetheart and a true warrior! Many thanks to you and Barry, who are gracious and welcoming and very fun to be around.
Hey Pat, I thought the gratitude was all mine for the help you gave us that day! I’m glad you enjoyed it and didn’t mind running back and forth to Jeanne’s treasure shed (which was sparkling but sweltering). Why is it we always pick the hottest days to do videos? And then don’t bring our bathing suits? Thank you for a comment as sweet and lovely as you are, dear friend.
Aww, so sorry to hear that Jeanne’s going through a tough time. I was lucky enough to visit the San Diego area and tour her garden a few years ago during Waterwise Botanical’s succulent celebration. Although I did not meet Jeanne at the time, as there were so many visitors that day, I was always grateful for her generosity in sharing her stunning garden with total strangers, and I’m so glad Debra followed up by featuring her designs on Instagram! If I’m ever lucky enough to finally meet you in person, Jeanne, I promise not to hug you too hard! 🤗
Hi Lori — You’re an inspiration to me via your exquisite photos of desert and Phoenix gardens. You were largely instrumental in getting me to “do” Instagram. I didn’t realize you’d been to Jeanne’s garden—what a feast it must have been for you!
This post gives me a chance to celebrate two wonderful ladies: Debra Lee Baldwin and Jeanne Meadows. After meeting Debra over trays of succulents in Honolulu, for years she gave me moral support as I labored to create my first book. During a visit to Debra six years ago, she brought me to Jeanne Meadows’ glorious garden. Jeanne welcomed me, a stranger, to her home like an old friend.
It occurs to me that this garden is a perfect reflection of its owner: one that possesses natural, embracing charm; beauty wrought from experience; and triumph over constant challenge. I hope Jeanne will continue to follow the sun, dance in the rain and make her own rainbows.
I remember that day! It was such fun to show you a garden so different from yours yet with similarities I knew you’d appreciate. Claire dear, your comment is as exquisite and beautifully written as your book, “Remembering Shanghai.” I’m so glad it’s doing well…and to hear you’re working on a drama series…wow!
Jeanne, your garden is one of the 7 wonders of Fallbrook (not sure what the other six are) and an inspiration to anyone who has the fortune to visit. Plant people share a common bond, but you radiate a spirit that is welcoming to all you come in contact with. I first got into the gardening business, because I felt that I could make a difference. Yet, I am still working to match the achievements of people like you and Debra. My prayers are for your health and the healing time you can find in the Eden you have created. The world is a better place with people like you!
Hi John! Your comment is as delightful, kind and wise as you are. You’re much too modest…you DO make a huge difference with Garden America Radio, as a garden-travel tour host, through your books, and much more. I’d be hard-pressed to name a horticulturist with a greater breadth of knowledge. The world is a better place because of your generosity in sharing it.
You were Chris’s and my inspiration back in 2013. You were nice enough to give us a tour of your garden, and we were instantly converted to succulent lovers. We immediately hired Steve McDearmon and Robert Oldfield (whom we met at your place) to help us with ours. We were SO happy with the result, and we’ve been enjoying working in our yard ever since. We love our garden, and it all goes back to you! Our best wishes for your good health!
John and Chris
This is wonderful! Thank you John and Chris. (And you know how much I love your garden…thanks for letting me share it in the new edition of Designing with Succulents!)