Posts Tagged ‘echeverias’
Echeveria Bonanza at Oasis
The selection of large (dinner-plate-sized) echeverias at Oasis Water Efficient Gardens right now is astonishing. Great timing, too. Autumn is nearly upon us, and an important end-summer task is refreshing our echeveria gardens. My own occupies several large pots. Annually in late August, I remove dry lower leaves, deadhead, and enhance the assortment—hence my trip…
Read MorePlant an Echeveria Garden in Pots
Echeverias do great in containers, so why not plant an echeveria garden all in pots? Because echeverias have great color, symmetry and resemble fleshy flowers, my own potted collection suggests an exotic flower garden.
Read MoreHow to Behead and Replant Echeverias
Fancy ruffled echeverias—those large, flowerlike succulents—eventually need to be beheaded and the rosettes replanted. This is a bother, but it comes with a benefit: New clones will form on old, headless stalks. But not always. Here’s how to ensure success.
Read MoreShould You Cut Echeveria Flowers?
Here and in my new video, “Should You Cut Echeveria Flowers?” I explain why you should snip echeveria bloom stalks, and how you and your plants both benefit.
Read MoreMake a Gift Basket of Blue Echeverias
Is any plant lovelier than a ruffled echeveria? These rosette succulents are soaring in popularity, and new cultivars are being introduced all the time. Don’t miss my YouTube series featuring renowned echeveria hybridizer and grower Dick Wright.
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