Succulent Windowsill Pots DIY
In my Succulent Windowsill Pots video and DIY below, you'll find out how to make a simple, colorful succulent windowsill garden. Here's how to transform your window at work or home into a mini-garden.
The six pots in my video, each 3-inches in diameter, came as a set from Amazon. Their rainbow colors make them fun to combine with colorful succulents. I added crushed glass topdressings for bling and sparkle.
You needn't use the exact pots I did; other multipot sets work equally well---for example, these from Mountain Crest Gardens. Scroll down to watch a video of Annie and me planting them with haworthias.

Windowsill pots with haworthias, from Mountain Crest Gardens
Materials and Method
You'll need...
- Four to six 3-inch decorative pots. Cover drain holes with a 2-inch square cut from a paper towel, so soil doesn't fall out.
- The same number of succulents in 2-inch nursery pots. Numerous varieties and even cuttings will work. These are Adromischus cristatus, Sedeveria 'Lilac Mist', Sedeveria 'Letizia', Senecio haworthii, Sedum nussbaumerianum, and Sedum adolphi:
- Gently slide each plant out of its nursery pot and tuck into its new pot. If need be, remove 1/4 to 1/2 inch of soil from top or bottom so root ball stays below the rim.
- Use a gritty potting soil to fill gaps after putting plants (root balls and all) into the pots, or to elevate if needed. Soil should go to about half inch below the rim.
- Add a 1/4-inch layer of white or neutral-colored sand (but not beach sand---too salty). The sand will fill gaps and keep the glass topdressing's color true.
- Add a layer of crushed, tumbled glass (optional) from craft stores, floral suppliers or online. I chose glass that echoes the glazes on the pots. Alternatively, conceal bare dirt and give your pots a finished look with crushed rock, pebbles, rhinestones or beads.

Succulent windowsill pots
- Water lightly and infrequently. See my How to Water Succulents page.
- If your windowsill might be damaged by moisture, move the pots to the sink when watering. Let drain thoroughly before replacing. Cut little circles from foil and place one under each pot to protect the sill from condensation.
- If stem succulents stretch or rosette succulents flatten, they're asking for more light. However, the sun's ultraviolet rays, when magnified by untreated window glass, can burn leaves. If this is a concern, add a sheer curtain or move plants farther from the glass. Keep in mind that south-facing windows typically get the most sun and north-facing the least. Haworthias, being shade succulents, are especially at risk.
- It's normal for succulents to get leggy over time. After four to six months or whenever you tire of looking at stems that have growth only on the tips, take cuttings and replant.
Be sure to watch this DIY video on Mountain Crest Gardens' YouTube channel. In it, Annie and I plant haworthias in brightly glazed flowerpots:
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I’m having difficulty finding those 6 multi colored 3” pots on Amazon that you featured in your You Tube video. Where can I buy them?
Hi Paula — Please don’t assume you need the exact pots I used. The video is several years old and if they’re no longer available, the good news is that there are numerous other good-looking options (many more than previously). Just make sure they’re the right size for your windowsill. Here’s one set that would work as well. Or browse sets of 3-inch pots.