The Best Succulent Site EVER
I'm so proud and pleased! I don't think there's anything like my redone, best-ever succulent site anywhere on the Internet, a claim I don't make lightly.

On the Home page, Agave guiengola appears to like being petted. Photo: Pat Roach.
My newly revamped site is...
- Easy to navigate
- Beautiful to look at
- Enjoyable to browse
- Readable and entertaining
- Organized with you, the visitor, in mind
- Chock-full of well-researched, succulent-specific info.
It's more interactive, too. Site visitors are welcome and encouraged to leave comments on posts. The response has been terrific---for example, my recent post, "Where Do YOU Shop for Succulents?" has had 50+ comments from succulent enthusiasts, with more than 100 recommendations for sources all over the world, both walk-in and mail-order.
The best and worst aspects of my old site sprang from this tendency: Whenever I run across something interesting and newsworthy, I think, "I have to share this!" But over time, and due to lack of forethought, the site became a mishmash. You had to "Search" to find anything.
Also, I made mistakes that were literally huge...like not resizing photos. I'm used to magazines and publishers where bigger-is-better. That made the load time slow, which hurts SEO. Oh!

Above: From the Home Page.
The reorganization took six months. (Clink! A toast to my detail-oriented designer!)* And now...well...if you've ever cleaned and reorganized a crammed closet, you know why I keep opening and admiring it. And insisting others take a look.
Not that my books aren't still your best resources for selecting, growing and using succulents. Books are in-depth. You can hold them in your hands, underline text, write in margins, flag pages with Post-its, curl up and flip through.
But let's be real: When you want advice on a particular topic, you start by looking online. There's some good stuff, but also conflicting info, intrusive ads, obvious errors, and "authorities" with agendas. I find all that irritating and frustrating, and I assume you do too.

The new Succulent Care Basics page helps you find what you need right away. It had been a rat's nest.
Do bookmark the site, visit often, leave comments, and ask questions. Tell me what YOU want and need. I sincerely appreciate knowing what that is. And if you have good info to share, please do. Let's get conversations going!
*Site designer Monica Hemingway specializes in the gardening industry.
Learn More
Succulent Basics, Must-Do’s, FAQs, and Essentials for Success
Below are succulent basics, must-do’s and answers to FAQs—the essentials for growing succulents successfully. If all this is new to you, you’ll want to refer to this page often. And even if you’re experienced, you’ll find it a great resource!
I agree, your website is absolutely one of the best in any category. Cheers to you, Debra, and to your Website Designer, Monica!
Your website is the best. I got all the informations that I needed regarding succulents and your designs are amazing.
It is a wonderful resource, Debra, and I refer people to it frequently as well as using it myself!
Thanks, Connie, that means a lot to me!
Hi Debra,
Your site looks great! I noticed a little problem when clicking on the “Soil and Amendments” link above. It seems to be broken….I’m pretty sure it’s a minor fix…
Thank you.
Thanks, Pat. Fixed!
Thank you for the wonderful tour of your very lovely garden today!
Hi Stephanie, you’re very welcome! It was fun for me, and your group is delightful.