Colorful Winter Succulents
How many of these colorful winter succulents can you ID? These and others are great for adding color and interest to mild, dry-climate gardens (like coastal Southern CA). Above is how aloes, kalanchoes and more look in January in the garden of Jim Bishop in San Diego. Scroll down for names of seven spectacular succulents in Jim's midwinter garden.
Bonus: New Mosaic at Jim's
Recently added to Jim's garden is a 15-foot pebble mosaic lizard. It adds whimsy and interest to a pathway in the lower garden. Jim, a a retired garden designer and past-president of the San Diego Horticultural Society, positions such mosaics so they can be seen from above.

Design and photo by Jim Bishop
Want to see more?
In two YouTube videos, I take you on a tour of Jim's steep, one-acre, terraced succulent garden. Wait 'til you find out what's up with all those blue bottles. Hint: They're not merely decorative!
7 spectacular midwinter succulents
And this is just one section of Jim's garden! See more kalanchoes and aloes on this site. I have pages and galleries for them as well as many other types of succulents.

And if you love big aloes in bloom
You simply MUST watch these videos as well...
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Midwinter Succulent Show: Big Aloes In Bloom
Above: Aloe ferox at Desert Theater nursery, Escondido, CA. From my video, Spectacular Aloes in Flower. Large, sculptural aloes with brilliant, Popsicle-like flowers make striking garden plants. Midwinter is peak aloe bloom season and an excellent time to see them in nurseries and landscapes. Aloe ferox, or Cape Aloe, might be considered a tree because of its height at maturity–6 to 8 feet with bloom…
Aloes: Uses, Photos, IDs & Varieties
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