DIY Succulent Bonsai

In my new video you’ll see succulent bonsai expert Anthony Neubauer prune roots and branches of a ‘Cork Bark’ portulacaria and stage it in an art pot. I use the term “succulent bonsai” loosely for potted succulents that suggest traditional bonsai, i.e. “the art of growing ornamental, artificially dwarfed trees or shrubs” (Webster’s). Award-winning caudiciform…

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Create a $2,500 Succulent Planter for $250

Succulents in Willy Guhl pot (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

When I saw succulents planted in grid patterns in shallow, circular pots, I simply had to show them to you. Here and in my video, you’ll see and discover how to make similar planters for your own garden.

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Succulent Topiary Tips, Care and How-To

Succulent topiaries by Pat Hammer

Expert Pat Hammer shows step-by-step how to make a succulent topiary beginning with a moss-filled wire frame and cuttings. Pat shares design, DIY, watering, pruning, long-term care, and helpful tips.

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Make a Mounded Succulent Arrangement

Add soil to fill gaps (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Many eye-catching succulent arrangements are mounded, meaning plants are massed atop the container. Mounded arrangements look established right away and are quick and easy to assemble.

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Make Succulent Teacup Gardens

Succulent Teacup Arrangement (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Succulent teacup gardens are lovely on windowsills, sunny shelves and outdoor tables, individually or grouped. They’re quick and easy to make and perfect gifts for succulent lovers. When cuttings outgrow the cups, transplant them into larger pots or the garden.

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Make Succulent Doorstep Baskets

Square basket of succulents (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Succulent doorstep baskets are a great way to say “I’m thinking of you! Happy spring!” to neighbors, friends and nearby loved ones. These gift baskets delight all who see them. By showing recipients they’re cherished, you both feel connected—which is so important during uncertain times.

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Plant a Succulent Lantern

Succulent lantern with Portulacaria afra 'Variegata' (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

[With Video] Candle lanterns make lovely containers for succulents. Plant the succulents in a small pot and tuck it into the lantern, or if the lantern can hold soil, plant directly into it. Most aren’t watertight—a good thing, because when you water the succulents, the lantern will drain (leak).

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